On Sunday, for a change of scenery, I took Max over to the town park instead of our normal walk around the local school campus. It's amazing how hard it sometimes is just to break oneself out of the normal routine, but what a great feeling when you finally just do it!
My favorite piece of trail runs along a high, rocky ridge looking down over the Mohawk River, and it's so serene at five o'clock in the morning, with mist coming off the river, and ducks wading in the gentle current. I kept thinking, I have to tell Scott about this... we should have a picnic here - what a treasure right here in town...and then I remembered as I saw the multiple bbq grills and picnic tables that I didn't just find this great spot -- it's the "town park" -- oh crap, that means other people will be here too...ick. Did I mention that I've become somewhat of a recluse in recent years? I just crave silence and solitude a lot more, so I guess that means I'll have to keep getting up at dawn -- good news for Max!
And just a final note... if the photos accompanying this blog are all over the place, it's because I haven't figured out how to flow text around them. It's maddening as a graphic artist not to be able to do this simple function, but blogging is a different universe!!