Is it just me or are the months flying by at the speed of light? And yet, winter still hasn't quite left us here in the Northeast, even though it is clearly notated on my calendar that spring arrived fifteen days ago!!!!!!!! I hate pulling on a hat and scarf and mittens in April. Waaaah. But enough whining. In spite of my obvious blog-neglect, I was very productive in March...
I met with my creative coach, Sheri, to help clarify my goals for 2008, and I also finished writing a brief contribution for her upcoming book!! (I will definitely tell more when it's published);
I sent a brief list of questions to my altered chess set participants to be the basis of an article that I have to get busy writing this month (thank you all for getting back to me so quickly);
I read
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield (a great little read about breaking through all the resistance we put in front of making our art, whatever that art may be -- even reading books about making art);
I created & taught a class at
Stampassion called
Polymer Clay Kitchen - we made faux recipes for jade, bone & lapis lazuli. and then turned the clay mixtures into jewelry pieces. I don't work consistently in clay, but when I plan a class like this, I am always reminded of how tactile and satisfying it is;
I taught another session of
Spotlight on Art Journals at
Stampassion (I love, love, love this class -- it is unbelievably satisfying to introduce students to the concept of an art journal and watch them relax and create spontaneously);
I planned and taught a class at the Watervliet Seniors center (we made cards for Easter & St. Patrick's day);
I continued to work on several freelance design jobs with a friend who is a spectacular local event planner -- Lori Stachnik Events -- contact me if you need an event planner in upstate NY. She is amazing!!!
I signed up for my first yoga class(es) and I absolutely LOVE it -- another recommendation if you're in the Troy, NY area -- she does great classes.
Here's her website (I also added a link a the right);
And, I created a new class for
Stampassion, called
Home Sweet Inchies, inspired by artist
Patti Gramza, who posted similar ones on her blog a few months ago. I love working in small formats, and I have always loved the house shape as an icon, so this was a very satisfying class to plan. I will teach the first of three classes next weekend! Here are some samples at the top of this post. I will also be creating a collage sheet for this class, and I will be offering it as a giveaway to a few lucky blog readers, so come back soon. I'll be posting the sheet early next week, along with details on what you need to do to win one!!