Monday, September 29, 2008

Another year older...

and deeper in debt!

and yet, I am incredibly rich in friends and family, without which nothing else would matter. It's amazing how perspective changes with the passing years. When I was in my early teens, I remember imagining what the world would be like in the year 2000, which seemed light years away.And then I did the math, and realized to my twelve-year-old horror that I would be -- egads -- 36 years old in the year 2000. I would be so old that I wouldn't even be able to enjoy the new milennium!! Seriously,I recall feeling this way. Fortunately I am much younger now than when I was twelve.

I was a dreadfully serious child at twelve. ("Wednesday's child is full of woe" - yes, I was born on a Wednesday). And I worried about EVERYTHING --which, of course, was mostly nothing, but at the time the most minute details seemed the cause for great angst in my life. Homework, teachers, clothes, my thighs, a single zit on my chin, my thighs --the physical worries alone could fill entire paragraphs on my blog.
Add to that puberty, public speaking and sports, and I just wanted to spin a coccoon and emerge as a butterfly, skipping my teens entirely.

There are moments when the thought of that coccoon still sounds inviting, but most of the time these days, I am ready to face the world head on, and enjoy each day for the gift that it is.

On my birthday, my wish is for all of us to recognize the gift of every passing day.

(and also that I win the mega millions lotto or some other great fortune).

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Enjoying the simple pleasures

of fall...

This has been an amazingly beautiful September, with warm sunny days and cool evenings perfect for opening windows wide and curling up beneath the covers to sleep, usually with my dog Max at my side. I fall asleep to the serenade of crickets and katydids, along with late night drivers on my not-so-country road. This may seem quite ordinary, but one of the many feuds I lost with my husband on a regular basis was keeping the windows open, so I am appreciating the novelty of it right now.

I had an opportunity this weekend to take a leisurely ride out to the Artifacts Country Store in Melrose, NY for their annual harvest fest. Their store is a tiny gem out in the country, filled to the rafters with antiques and folk art crafts, much of which spills out onto their patio and beneath the trees that surround their lovely property. I enjoyed a cup of cider while watching the chipmunks scurry behind pumpkins and beneath the ground cover. Proprietors and artists Beth and Paul Cunningham have made their art a way of life, and it's a treat to be able to soak up some of their creativity. If you live in the Northeast, I encourage you to check them out.

I went there looking for little treasures, such as lavender sachets and vintage ornaments, of which there are many, but left with a wonderful table, handpainted by Paul, instead. I decided to use this piece in lieu of a coffee table, as I like to do a lot of my creating (and eating dinner) in the living room and the height is perfect if I pull it up to the sofa. Notice too the paper lamp in the background. My sister treated me to the lamp while we were on the Vineyard. I had no place to hang it, until I stumbled (literally) and so fortuitously upon that great stick from which is hangs. I am not sure if it is whimsical or just plain ridiculous, but for now it illuminates my evenings like a big green full moon!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Genting Casino Sex Scandal - grand-daughter of Lim Goh Tong???

Hey Malaysia, are you ready for a firebomb? There are a handful of photos floating around the Internet supposedly of one of Lim Goh Tong's grand-daughters. These pictures were first sent to this blog a few months back but now people are sending them to the blog everyday now. I tried to find official photos of Lim Goh Tong granddaughters to compare but to no success, only photos of his children and grandsons could be found online. These supposed photos are spreading fast via email from what I can tell so this might be a good time to post them. And BTW, I would also be posing nude on the roulette table if my grand-daddy was a multi-billionaire with a casino empire. Source:


Malaysian Hospital Surgeon Sex Scandal

"Attached to the email was a text file saying that these pictures were taken at SJMC Hospital. These pictures look shocking to say the least but I am not sure what exactly it is showing. Its either a couple having nasty kinky rolling playing sex in a hospital or its a person in taking advantage of an unconscious woman in a hospital. In the hidden camera pictures you can see the male taking polaroids of the victim. The possibility of a rape happening to a patient under anesthetic is reality in many parts of the world and it might now be reality in Malaysia. These pictures seem to be screen shots from a spycam video so the full-length footage is out there. If this is real the poor woman most likely has no knowledge of the incident but hopefully the asshole who did this get exposed. " - quote from

Scandal Video Link

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Back from the Vineyard...

I had a wonderful time with family out on Martha's Vineyard at the end of last week. The trip was short but very sweet. The weather was a mix of sun and rain, but that was of no matter. We are really fortunate that we truly enjoy one another's company so much. I don't take that for granted. It is also great fun to spend time in the company of a 4-year old, particularly my niece, who is so funny and creative, with a flair for drama that can't possibly be captured in this blog. When I arrived, we discovered that Avery and I were wearing the same outfit...

One of our favorite stops on the Vineyard is always beadniks, which is a visual delight and an assault on the pocketbook. Many of their thousands of beads are handmade in exotic locales, so I understand the prices, but it's still always a surprise to leave with empty pockets and such a teeny tiny bag of treasures! But it allowed us to spend the rainy time in a lovely house making jewelry. I don't have any of our creations here as I write this post, but I'll post pictures soon. We made some fun and funky pendants, using a variety of materials.

Now I am spending this week playing catch-up at work and at home, but I wanted to take a moment to post -- and to say thank you to my faithful visitors, who never fail to brighten my day with words of friendship and support. I'll end this post with one of my hand-drawn, digitally enhanced illustrations...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


On the eve of Sept. 11, I thought this digital collage would be fitting (It's not new so you may have seen it before). My apologies to my faithful readers that I have not been much of a blogger of late. In addition to my personal divorce drama, it's just my super-busy season at work. And what better time to sneak off for 4 days on Martha's Vineyard with my family than when work is piling up? So that's where I am off to. I am so lucky to be able to sponge off my sister for the lodging and my dad for the ride, and for the opportunity to get together with them all!!!

Peace to you all. And I hope to have more time to blog soon!!