1. Finish reading this book, recommended by my coach.
2. Learn Dreamweaver and build the website I share with my friend Debbie.
3. Read the manual that came with my digital camera (last year!).
4. Write/submit articles and artwork for publication in art magazines.
5. Develop a by-invitation workshop/class to have at my home over the summer, with a group of my favorite art-friends.
6. Swap my small art room with my larger spare bedroom & renovate into a better studio.
7. Spend more quality time with friends and family.
8. Do all of these things with enjoyment, not stress!!!
9. Live, live, live!!!
For many years, I did not write down or formally acknowledge any of my annual intentions (resolutions, goals - whatever you want to call them) because I didn't want to be depressed at the end of the year if I did not achieve them. Unfortunately, I found that I was still depressed at the end of the year because the less I brought my intentions into plain view, the less likely I was to achieve ANYTHING. Just because I refused to write them down didn't mean the didn't exist. My coach (see #1) helped me to admit this out loud and to dig deep to make a list of the most important things I hope to accomplish this year. -- She actually recommended a somewhat shorter list, so that if I only accomplish 3 things, I don't feel like a failure for missing the other 6, but some of these are easier than others, and all are things I want to give attention to this year.
What are your thoughts on this -- do make resolutions or intentions? If not, why not? If you do, what's on your list??
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