At the last meeting of Art Connection's Little Fat Book Club, were were charged with making a 4 x 4 piece of mixed media art that reflected our signature style, to submit to the store for a display "quilt" of sorts. To be honest, when I made my page, I had forgotten that it was supposed to be indicative of my artistic style -- a style which I often struggle with, as I am still exploring so many mediums. After I had already made it, the club's organizer (and my dear and amazingly creative friend)- Marilyn, sent an email reminding us that the piece should be a "signature" piece... and for a second I thought uh oh - I forgot ...but then I looked at it - regardless of what medium I am working in, I tend toward certain colors, a blending of paints, a use of typography as both texture elements and a way of telling a story, and the incorporation of nontraditional materials (in this case, mesh gutter covering from the hardware store)...and to my surprise, I felt that the piece was absolutely a signature piece for me, in spite of the fact that I had not intended it as such.
It reinforced a lesson that I am constantly learning as an artist - you may model yourself after other artists and you may learn techniques that hundreds of other artists have also learned, but what comes from your hands and your heart and your vision will possess a unique quality that is yours alone.
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