This is my niece Avery, who had a "ta da" moment of her own, over the weekend, when she was given a plate full of 7 different "blobs" of paint, and immediately decided to swirl them all together, while exclaiming. "tie dye!" -- May we all be inspired by the uninhibited spirit of a three-year-old!
The March "Ta Da" list...
(If you are wondering what this is, visit my Feb 28 post for an explanation)
Made & posted a piece of art to my blog every day for the month (almost!!)
Read book: Saving the World, by Julia Alvarez
Planned & taught Easter/spring card class for Watervliet seniors
Finished 15 soldered charms for a charm swap (and only 1 burned finger!)
Enjoyed an artist's date with my friend Debbie - we made art, ate lunch, & watched a Claudine DVD
Submitted a bid for a freelance project with the NYCLT (New York Center for Liver Transplantation)
Completed 2 freelance projects for event planner and friend Lori
Helped my stepdaughter design a wedding invitation & program
Submitted 8 greeting cards to Stampington & Co. for an article in Take 10 - the autumn issue!! (they asked me to submit based on a sample I sent)
Was invited to submit artwork to Somerset Home, Volume II, for possible publication -- I created tealight candleholders, velvet bookmarks, and ceramic tile memo boards, & sent them off last Friday!!
Raised $300 (and counting) for Children's Hospital, Boston, in honor of my niece Avery, who was born with a congenital heart defect. -- for donation info, please leave a comment!! - it's not too late to give to an amazing cause!!
Encouraged my soap-making friend Ali to get blogging. In addition to this link, her blog is listed at the right in my blog list. Even if you don't use soap, (you know who you are, stinky), you will love her insights. She is witty, irreverent, and adorable... and she gave me a lifetime supply of soap to say so.
Found out that some of my artwork and related articles will be published in a number of upcoming Stampington & Co. publications - I am holding off on specifics because the publication dates don't start until late summer - but it's up to 4 different publications... & counting!! woo woo!!
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