These are my naked baby twins with articulated arms and legs... I think I found these in a box of old stuff we bought at an auction. I'm not sure. I like how the eyes are not painted quite right and they look a little crazy.

This is my painted rooster. He's made of cast iron, and I like the weight of him in my hands even though he's very little. I also like his bright Pennsylvania Dutch style of folk painting. I don't remember exactly how he came into my possession.

This is my collection of little chairs, all purchased for me by a wonderful, sweet friend. I once taught a rubber stamping class where we used a stamp with the image of a chair, and I confessed that I loved chairs, and images of them...and my friend Nancee took the class and never forgot that little tidbit about me, so when she sees little chairs, she buys them for me, and surprises me when I least expect it.

I was absolutely doll-obsessed as a little girl: Newborn Baby Tenderlove; Timey Tell; Baby Alive; Chrissy and Velvet; Cabbage Patch Dolls, Barbie, Francie, Skipper, Ken (and their Malibu counterparts); Dawn, Angie and Gloria; Little Kiddles; Flatsies ... should I go on?? I owned all of these and I'm sure others that I'm forgetting, so these little dolls just hang out to remind me of all the dolls that were once a part of my life.

African carved stamps - these were a gift from a friend. I'm not even entirely sure they're made of wood (or coconut shell or something.) I have never used them, they're just a visual and tactile joy.

My porcelain schnauzer is a recent addition to my silly collection of favorites. My inlaws bought this for me on a recent trip. It really looks very much like my Max, and I love all things Max. -- And this little knickknack is the exception to my house rule of NO knickknacks. I truly hate clutter in the rest of my house.

True confession... if I were not an artist, I would be a professional organizer. I LOVE Mission Organization and Clean Sweep, and I love transforming messy spaces into neat, organized rooms!!! -- A ridiculous confession from a woman who covets the whimsical items above, but true!!!
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