I know it would really mess up the whole calendar/time/clock/seasons thing but I would love to add an extra hour to every weekend. My Sunday seemed so leisurely, which is rare. That one extra hour seemed to multiply for me, and I felt both accomplished and rested for a change. In my extra hour (and then some)I treated myself to a budget-conscious shopping spree at two of my favorite dollar stores and the Goodwill store in town, and as always, I found many treasures. Here are just a few of my finds. My most exciting find were these portable wooden Chinese chess sets pictured here. I don't even play American chess and have no desire to learn to play Chinese, but the tiles and boxes were irresistible!!
I've never done any kind of interactive blog challenge before, but I am starting today. I have 10 extra chess sets to send off for altering... so here's the scoop!!
I have a chess set for myself, a set for my friend Debbie, and 10 additional sets, so I can accept a maximum of 10 participants. If you agree to the rules below, and I hear from you within the first 10 people, I will mail you a chess set to alter. I anticipate that the sets will go out no later than Nov. 23, and possibly earlier.
1. For the sake of contact privacy, click on my "view profile" in the upper right of my blog, and email me with your contact info (name, email address/mailing address). Don't leave your email or mailing info in my comments section, as that is public.
2. You must agree to return your altered chess set to me by mail, at your expense, along with a brief explanation of how you completed the project. I will take photos for posting on my blog, and prepare documentation in the form of a color printed booklet for all participants. I will return your altered set to you, at my expense, with the documentation, when the challenge is competed.
3. Depending on the results of this challenge, and the agreement of all participants, we may decide to submit this project to one of the major altered art magazines along with an article for publication. If this happens, I will make arrangements for the future return of all of your sets at that time. I had several articles published in 2007, and all of my items were returned unharmed.
4. Deadline: Because the holiday season is busy for everyone, and particularly artists and craftspeople, the deadline is Friday, January 25, 2008.
5. If you wish to participate, I'd like feedback on whether you think this challenge should be holiday related (i.e. for Christmas of next year -- or Valentines day 2008, since that will be upcoming, or if it should be anything goes, or if it should perhaps incorporate some other theme. I will share suggestions and we can see what is most appealing to participants.
6.As you can see from the picture, the set includes a wooden box and 32 pieces. You may alter it in any way you wish, using as many or as few pieces as you need to create your work of art.
7. If I don't hear from at least 5 people, I may decide to postpone this challenge to a future date, and I will notify anyone who signs up. If you think you'd like to participate, but the deadline presents a problem let me know. I am totally flexible with this project!! I am making it up as I go!!!!
That's all I can think of right now!!! I look forward to hearing from you!!! -- If you know of a friend or two who would like to participate, please send them to my blog as well.
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