So first, I'd like to thank Robyn, an incredibly talented artist in South Africa who carves the most amazing totems and figures, who passed this award on to me. I absolutely LOVE her work and her artistic perspective. Thanks Robyn! - I would also be listing Robyn's blog among my 7 except that it would seem silly to keep sending the award back and forth. Also, I would be listing my good friend, artist Marilyn Rock, but she was a recipient just a wee bit ago, and I don't want her to feel obligated to post again --but her blog showcases the most amazing textural collage paintings and observations on art and life.
Now, I get to pass the award on to some of my favorite bloggers and their blogs. I have many favorites, most of whom have links on the right hand side of my blog, but I will choose just 7 because that's the minimum number and I am too lazy to create more than 7 links -- see rules below:
1. Put the award logo on your blog.
2. Add a link to the person who awarded you.
3. Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4. Add links to those blogs on yours.
So, without further ado, these are 7 of my favorite blogs,listed in no particular order, as I love them all...
1. Insanity is a terrible thing to waste - Debbie's blog is indeed one of my favorites, and not just because she's one of my very best friends. Her blog is filled with fabulous cartoons and funny stories about her adventures owning a farm and two precocious poodles.
2. Cindy Dean - Cindy's blog is a wonderful mix of her art and life - she makes incredible jewelry and is very real in telling her personal story.
3. Lavabo in aquam - DJ's blog is just plain funny - she's a witty writer and talented artist as well.
4. Genre cookshop - Nancy B. creates some of my favorite still life paintings that remind me of my grandmother and simpler times, and her blog showcases life, art, poetry, and incredible photography.
5. Grubby Wench - My good friend Ali doesn't blog much, but what she lacks in quantity, she makes up for in quality. She's one of the most scathingly witty women I know, and she's also an incredibly talented soap-maker.
6. Musings on collage - Laura is a mixed-media artist whose talents know no boundaries. She is good at everything, and her blog offers great art prompts on Mondays to fuel the creative spirit.
7. Thrifty collage artist - Suzan is my most recently discovered blog. Her art is rich and graphic and saturated with color, and she offers free tutorials on he blog.
Thank you for visiting my award-winning blog!!!
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