A developing country with the most expensive passport in the world!
That is Malaysia. And the reasons is never fully explained by the govt. But to the Chinese and Indians, it is obvious that this is targeted at them. Chinese and Indians need to travel for survival, as their opportunities in Malaysia are restricted by the biased and racist govt policies, and also they are the ones with the many relatives in their root countries or nearby countries.
Do you want to spend RM600 to "buy" a passport just to make a once in a lifetime trip to nearby Singapore or Thailand to attend the wedding dinner of a cousin or attend funeral of a siblings? For funeral, you will not be likely to attend given the short notice and the long duration by the Immigration to issue an expensive passport. But you will always remember the reason for not being able to attend - the
RM300 passport imposed by Barisan Nasional.
Many, especially the poor, who couldn't afford the RM600 will always remember those lost moments that they could have had with their loved ones, thanks to the BN. They will tell the world and their next generation about it, and voice their missing moments with their loved ones in the ballot box.

For those already having a passport, rich or poor, they will be painfully reminded of the corruption and the discrimination they had to suffer under the BN, every few years, when they renew their passports. The actual cost of making a passport is less than RM10. So the RM600 ringgit passport has the word "corruption" written all over it. It is also a stark reminder of the anti-Chinese and anti-Malay mentality that is hidden behind the faces of UMNO members.
I was told Singaporeans paid only S$15 processing fee to get their passport with a 10-year duration. And we all know how prosperous Singapore is, without having to tax their citizens on some necessities like a passport. They are happy to have their own citizens going abroad and bringing home huge amount of money to stimulate the

Many would think that making a passport is a small and insignificant procedure, and those rich Indians and Chinese should have no problem paying up. They forgot, only 15% of the Chinese/Indians are considered rich, and the other 85% had only the ballot box to let out their frustrations. And let out their frustrations they did, as shown in the results of the last General Election.
The low IQ ministers we had in Malaysia, will never understand why they are losing votes. After all, they have built many shopping malls, mosques, bridges and highways. To BN, these Chinese and Indians were unfaithful and disloyal. They will never realise that most people, especially the poorer folks, don't go to such places and use such facilities. But they will need a passport to get out of the country to earn a living elsewhere.
What these UMNO good-for-nothing need to learn is to built bridges with the people, and they will go a long way, by charging their own countrymen a fair and reasonable price for processing a passport instead of using it as a tool to show their displeasure with the non-Bumiputras.
A passport is no different from an IC or a Birth Cert. Everyone must have one, and only one. And we pay huge tax to the govt every year, because of these identifications. By right, it should be given free like our BC.
So as a Malaysian, always remember when you are queuing up for hours renewing or making a passport, never vote for a corrupted, abusive, time wasting and blood sucking BN into power.
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