Mark my words - the next big push by moralists and politicians will be to try and bar anyone under 18 from nudist resorts. Read this letter to the editor from a woman who asks, "If a photo of a nude child is against the law, why in the world are children allowed in nudist camps?"
Photos of nude children are NOT against the law, but sexualized images of children are. It now seems that the majority of the public believes that any image of a nude child, even in a museum, or taken by parents to record childhood innocence, is somehow pornographic, and a magnet for pedophiles.
Now throw in the image being put forth by Caliente, which is being mistaken for nudism, and you have a potentially fatal problem. You want nude beaches? You want public lands set aside for nude recreation? Well, the hysteria over pedophilia, the sexed-up image of nudism, and teens being prosecuted for taking nude photos of themselves, all add up to trouble, and you have a growing opposition to anything involving nudity for people under the age of 18.
Trying to separate sex from nudity in this society seems to be an impossible task, but we cannot, and must not, give in to this pornification of the nudist and naturist lifestyle.
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