When we teach, Marilyn and I always come laden with boxes and bins of "stuff" to share with out students during class - things collected through many years of art making: collage papers, one of a kind books and ledgers, buttons, vintage lace, dress patterns, stencils, beads and charms... whatever we think might be fun and useful during class. And our students are always excited to look through our "stuff" for the perfect elements to enhance their creations.
Frequently, they marvel at our ability to part with such treasures. I will admit that there was a time when I hoarded my "stuff." Even now, I do have a few favorite finds that I cannot bear to use OR share -- for now. But one of the many things that I have learned as I make art and collect the found objects that make their way into my art is that there will always be more "stuff." And that allowing my favorite finds to gather dust in my art room does not do them the honor that I envisioned when I found them.
I don't want to be the one who dies with the most toys (or stuff). For me, that's not winning. Really, I don't want to die at all, but so far, I haven't figured a way around that one. So, in the meantime, I will share my "stuff," as well as my ideas, and my passion for living a full and creative life, with everyone I am blessed to know.

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