Sunday, November 30, 2008

NAC Update: Memorial service for Lee Baxandall

Copyright 2008 by the Naturist Action Committee, which is responsible for its content. Permission is granted for the posting, forwarding or redistribution of this message, provided that it is reproduced in its entirety and without alteration.

DATE: November 30, 2008
SUBJECT: Lee Baxandall Memorial Service
TO: All naturists

Dear Naturist,

Lee Baxandall, founder of The Naturist Society, died recently in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. His wife, Johanna, has announced a secular memorial service for Lee.

Saturday, December 6, 2008
2:00 PM
Seefeld Funeral Services
Oregon Street Chapel
1025 Oregon Street
Oshkosh, Wisconsin 54902

Lee is survived by his wife Johanna, by his sister Ann, by his son Phineas, by two grandchildren and by thousands and thousands of naturists.

Lee’s life and his deeds have affected and influenced many people. Nicky Hoffman Lee of The Naturist Society is compiling specific remembrances of Lee Baxandall. If you have a story you’d like to share, please send it to Nicky by e-mail at:

Complete obituaries will appear in upcoming issues of The Newsletter and N magazine. Tributes to Lee Baxandall will be a part of Naturist Gatherings and Festivals in the coming year.


Bob Morton
Executive Director
Naturist Action Committee

Naturist Action Committee (NAC)
- PO Box 132, Oshkosh, WI 54903
Executive Director Bob Morton
Naturist Society: Nicky Hoffman Lee
Online Representative Dennis Kirkpatrick

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