Wednesday, August 19, 2009

"Fish imitating life..."

Many of you ask how my sister and her husband have managed to cope with my niece's condition over the last nine months. Humor plays a big part...

We are saddened to start tonights update with the news that "Daddy the goldfish" is no longer with us.

Mike (whom "Daddy the goldfish" was named after - by Avery of course) was found belly up tonight when Mike got home.

Avery received her 2 goldfish a year and a half ago -- on Easter Sunday - from her Aunt Jesse and Aunt Mary.
Avery which - she affectionately named them "Daddy" (after Mike) and GiGI (after my mom - Avery's grandmother).

Needless to say - Mike's response to being named after a goldfish was:
"this is my worst nightmare - I have to live trapped in a tank with my mother-in-law" :))

Anyway - after I received the news this evening - I called my mother to let her know. She was inconsolable.....laughing.

Of course when Mike told me - I asked him "how GiGi the fish was doing" -- his response:
"she is fine - happy to be eating her food all by herself as if nothing ever happened - and every now and then - she will swim around and bump into him."

So - all in all - "fish imitating life"

As for Avery - I am happy to report - she is MUCH better than Daddy AND GiGI! She is a little more awake today and we were able to start weaning her ventilator a little bit more.

We are still battling this infection as well as trying to heal her belly wounds. We are also trying to figure out when the best time is for her to go to the cath lab for her first post transplant biopsy. When this does occur - we will place new "clean" lines in her - but want to make sure we have her blood cultures clear before that - so her new line doesn't get infected.

We are also continuing to follow her creatinine (for renal function) which is still elevated but stable. She continues to pee very well - so this is reassuring - but "mom" a data driven gal - so she won't rest until the number is just right :)

We will keep you posted and please continue the prayers!!

Cheryl and Mike

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