Thursday, March 4, 2010

Key West Clothing Optional Beach Action Request

Members of FKFB hold the original banner that christened Haulover's c/o beach in 1991
Key West C/O Beach Action Request
Dear :
As previously noted, a Community Workshop will be held in Key West at Old City Hall on March 30, 2010 to discuss the designation of a clothing-optional area at Smathers Beach. You can show your support two ways:
ATTEND THE MEETING if you are in the area. It is important that as many supporters as possible are in the audience. Shirley Mason has requested that a Haulover manager and the Haulover lifeguard captain be asked to attend to address any management concerns.
Send a short letter of support for the c/o beach to be read into the minutes. Address your letter to "The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners of Key West"
Letters may be sent via email attn: Sue Harrison, Senior Deputy City Clerk, at
[At the right we've also listed the individual email addresses and names of the Mayor and Commissioners.]
The c/o beach is being promoted as an economic benefit. Points that may be included in your letter:
  • that you are interested in tourist destinations with a c/o beach
  • that a c/o beach will make Key West more attractive to you as a vacation destination
  • positive personal experiences with other c/o beaches like Haulover, Gunnison, etc.
As the Key West Citizen noted:
"Many commissioners received e-mailed form letters from right-wing Christian groups who said they would not visit Key West if it had a clothing-optional beach, but it was unclear as to whether any of the organized opposition was from local residents."
(One such organization was the American Decency Association, prior to the Key West election that brought in a new mayor favorable to a c/o beach- Read its July 2009 post & email campaign)
Note: Request your letter be read into the minutes of the c/o Beach Workshop on March 30th.
Mayor Craig Cates has publicly voiced his support of a c/o beach, but implementation requires the votes of at least 4 commissioners, or 3 commissioners plus the mayor.
We believe we will have a positive vote from Commissioners Johnston and Rossi, and that the Mayor's support and a good workshop will result in the needed additional vote from at least one other commissioner. Commissioner Wardlow is the only commissioner on record that he will NOT vote for a clothing-optional beach.
Smathers Map
Established in 1980, South Florida Free Beaches is committed to actively representing Naturism and nude recreation to government, business and civic leaders; to preserving public beaches and park lands for all citizens; and to lobbying for the position that a portion of such public lands should be designated for clothing-optional use - just as other portions of public lands are designated for the use of golfers, boaters, tennis players and the like.
Founders of Haulover's Naturist Beach
South Florida Free Beaches / FNA Inc.

Key West City Officials
[with presumed vote]
Mayor Craig Cates [+]
City Commissioners:
Barry Gibson [?]
Teri Johnston [+]
Clayton Lopez [?]
Mark Rossi [+]
Billy Wardlow [-]
Jimmy Weekley [?]
Additional Commission info on
Key West City Officials
[with presumed vote]
Mayor Craig Cates [+]
City Commissioners:
Barry Gibson [?]
Teri Johnston [+]
Clayton Lopez [?]
Mark Rossi [+]
Billy Wardlow [-]
Jimmy Weekley [?]
Additional Commission info on

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