Some days, it just gets the best of me. Wash, dry, fold, put away. Dust, vacuum, repeat. Fill the dishwasher, empty the dishwasher. Make the bed, fold the blankets. Walk the dog, feed the dog. Walk the dog. Most of the time, I just do it, but sometimes, I just hate it with homicidal intensity. I cannot stand the idea that so many hours of my life are spent attending to such soul-sucking, boring activity... and that, no sooner than it is done, it begins all over again. For two people, Scott and I accumulate an avalanche of laundry.
I have a wonderful life, I know. Actually privileged in many ways. I have food on my table, and a roof over my head and a safe place to lay my head each night. But I still hate laundry, and today, I am complaining about it. so there. At least I don't have to wear this ridiculous get-up while I do my chores. And for that, and many things, I am grateful.
And speaking of grateful - check it out - I finally personalized my blog header. It's too narrow, so I'll be revising it, but a generous young artist helped me find the murderous html code to fix it. - thanks Tiphoni!
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