Family history, things that have been passed down from one family member to the next, family values, all influence me as an artist, whether I'm consciously aware of it or not.
I wonder how others are influenced or inspired by their families---either past or present. What family treasures might be found in others' studios?" -- Ellen

I have dozens of family influences in my studio, but I chose to feature my all-time favorite piece - a sewing cabinet that my paternal grandmother, "Dambi" made as a young girl. She passed this on to me when I was in my 20s, and I've treasured it.
"Back then," she told me what seemed like millions of times, "we didn't have tv or video games, so we had to be creative to pass the time."

In addition to being impressed with her craftsmanship as a young girl-- carpentry, upholstery tacks, hinges and sewn pockets, to name a few -- I always loved the array of "stuff" inside, much of which I have not changed over the years... colorful wooden thread spools, carded needles, jars of buttons, and scraps of felt and fabric. I love the promise of creation that they symbolize, and their colorful chaos.
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