...How about "Art Studio Sidekicks?" Originally I had "four-legged" in the title. However, I know there are not only 3-legged-once-4-legged sidekicks out there, but also all sorts of companions. I'm certain that there are artists with birds as their companions and I certainly want to see and "hear" all about them!"-Debbie 
I absolutely LOVE this Studio Friday topic, and not just because Debbie is one of my best friends, but because my sidekick is another of my best friends - my dog, Max. He's a two-year old mutant 'mini' schnauzer -- mutant because he should weigh 12-15 pounds, and he weighs 26!! As a puppy, I was not at all hopeful that he'd ever be a good studio sidekick, as he never sat still, and his favorite pastime was chewing anything within reach of his puppy mouth - which was a good portion of the items in my studio. So my studio had a baby gate at the door, and I took to making a lot of art on the kitchen counters, well out of his reach.

But he's now a wonderful grown up dog, and when I am at home, he is almost never more than a few feet away, whether I'm in my studio, or anywhere else in the house. I will confess that he prefers sitting in the hallway outside my studio, or nearer the door, as I am known to drop lots of things when I'm in an artistic frenzy and he has a very good instinct for self-preservation. Here he is... sitting in my studio, near the door, and in the yard, where he would prefer I move my studio.
...and now my sidekick will be riding shotgun as we head out to Boston for our annual female bonding weekend!! No blogging again until Monday, unless I get obsessed and log on at my sister's!!
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