...I spent $7.95 (plus tax) at Walmart for Loreal Preference, #UL61, ultra light ash brown (ultra lightening
no brass technology) - which was supposed to turn my dark brown hair a very, very light brown (almost a dark blonde) and instead, turned it, well BRASS!!! I look nothing like the model on the box (okay, I looked nothing like her before, either) but neither does my hair. I suppose I should not be surprised at this result for a whopping $7.95 (plus tax), but all those Sarah Jessica Parker commercials really convinced me that I would be fabulously happy with the result. Maybe I'll just paint some Golden acrylics in ochre next time, with a #2 sable brush.
So while we're on the topic of brass, here are some great keys that my husband found for me at a recent auction. He brings back some fabulous treasures for me to incorporate into my artwork. They were apparently rusty pieces that some old git found with a metal detector.
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