The Daily Newds 12/1/08

- Another article on the "Bare Men of Barre" calendar has a priceless quote:
(Suzanne) Fullam said she has been asked repeatedly if she will produce an all-female calendar next year, but she doesn't think so.
"Women want to have their hair done, get their makeup," she said.
"Men just take off their pants."
- UK television viewers were apparently shocked to discover that fans shout obscenities in the stands, and soccer players are naked in the locker room. The network was forced to make two apologies for broadcasting the incidents.
- Dr. Sketchy's "anti-art school" sessions use fetish enthusiasts as models in an attempt to restore art's bohemian roots.
With that goal, Dr Sketchy's encourages drink-drawing, raucous art competitions, rude jokes, and flamboyant behavior. Most important to the concept are the models, described by Crabapple as "sideshow freaks, rocker chicks, Derby girls, fetish models."
"At Dr Sketchy's, everyone's a serious artist but it's a way of engaging in a fantasy, a version of what being an artist was about," Crabapple said.
- Paul Sunstone asks "Why Bother to Promote a Healthy Attitude Towards Nudity?"
Of course, I’m not of the opinion that nudity should be forced on anyone, or that everyone should go nude. Some people — for whatever reasons — have no use for it and should not feel obligated to indulge in it. Yet, despite that, it seems worthwhile to combat the notion nudity is unhealthy, immoral, or dangerous. After all, is there any sane reason a significant portion of society should live in fear of seeing Janet Jackson’s nipple?
- The Naked Clown meets The Naked Cowboy in Times Square, and the world does not end.
- The New Burlesque hits Milwaukee, but don't call the women "strippers" because it's all about the art of the tease, and they don't get naked.
It's attracting all types of women."Age doesn't matter, size doesn't matter, what you do at home doesn't matter," DeVianti says.
Kai de Vicious is the newest Alley Cat. She's also a mom!
"It brings real women, real women representing real women," de Vicious said.
"It's all about being comfortable with who you are, and being ok with that," Valentine said.
au naturel,
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