The Weekend Newds 12/5/08

- Model Heidi Klum says that being naked is "not a big deal".
"People are pretty open with their bodies in Germany and the children see you naked or in lingerie all the time so it's not a big deal for us...We don't hide inside a room somewhere and change - it's all very out in the open."
- A Pennsylvania woman was found not guilty of having sex with boys, even though testimony revealed that she showered naked with two 15 year-old boys. Presumably had she send a nude photo of herself to the boys, instead of actually being nude in their presence, they would have thrown the book at her. The woman was found guilty of corruption of minors, a misdemeanor which will not trigger a Megan's Law inquiry.
- A San Antonio park police sergeant has been placed on administrative leave for having his photo taken with a topless woman while he was in uniform. Again, those pesky female nipples keep ruining lives.
- When Miami Beach officials heard that an art project on a public beach would be a sand sculpture of a nude woman, they requested that a bikini top be added so as not to offend anyone. The artist went ahead with his 30 foot sculpture anyway.
There weren't many families at the beach on the chilly weekday, but the suggestion that the sculpture's semi-nudity was offensive provoked chuckles from those there. ''She looks natural,'' said Gisela OcaƱa, visiting from Guatemala with her son Oscar, 15 -- who pronounced the sculpture ''pretty.'' His mother was unconcerned about his adolescent impressions. ''That kind of thing depends on the mind of the person who's looking,'' she said.
- An editorial in a New Hampshire newspaper ups the ante on the hysteria surrounding teen sexting. As usual, the brouhaha is all about the photos - never mind that the kids are probably having unprotected sex.
This type of behavior among local teens is downright offensive, especially coming on the heels of media publicity over the dangers of teens throughout America sharing embarrassing or "sexy" photos over the Internet. Teens aren't sharing these photos only with their friends on the Internet through sites such as MySpace. The smut is there for the whole world to see. It can be viewed not only by online predators but by school bullies looking for an opportunity to torment or embarrass others.
- If you are looking for a holiday gift for a nudist, you might consider Lauren Grossman's wax candles in the shape of nude males, females and hermaphrodites.
- The mainstream media can't seem to get enough of nude artists models. Articles here and here and here and here.
- Maybe a swinger is not the best source for nudist philosophy, but this quote is relevant:
...the most significant reason I have so much trust of swingers really comes down to nakedness. When I say "nakedness" I'm only partially referring to physical nudity. What I'm mainly talking about is character, and openness. Be it clothing or socializing, swingers are people who are willing to bare all. It's almost impossible to be dishonest when you're truly "naked."
- Naomi Watts is reported to be the subject of a nude portrait by David Bromley, for submission to Australia's Archibald Prize next year.
- A semi-nude portrait hidden for more than 200 years in the attic of a French Chateau has fetched almost 3 million pounds at a London auction.
Richard Knight, international director of Christie's Old Master Department, described it as 'one of the most exciting and extraordinary discoveries of recent years'.
He confirmed it had been found in the the attic of a French chateau 'where it had been hidden by the grandparents of the present owners due to the semi-naked subject'
- One would think that the image of Hitler wearing full Nazi regalia is the epitome of offensiveness, but apparently a scantily-clad Hitler is even worse.
- The daughters of Rod Stewart, Ronnie Wood and Bob Geldof have posed nude for the cover of Tatler Magazine.
au naturel,
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