The Daily Newds 1/14/09

- A BYU editorial claims that Facebook has surrendered and will now let mothers post photos of themselves breastfeeding their children. I've seen no other report of this, so take it with a grain of salt.
- Six Pennsylvania high school students ages 14 through 17 are facing child pornography charges for sending and receiving nude photos of themselves with cell phones. Please STOP destroying the lives of children using laws that are supposed to protect them.
- An Orange County Register reporter tries out for the Pageant of the Masters 2009 summer show "The Muse" which features "men, women and children of all shapes and sizes, clothed and nude."
- The New York Times has an excellent article on people seeking self-esteem through surgery.
To the rigors of teenage grooming — waxing, plucking, body training and skin care regimens that were once the province of adults — add cosmetic surgery, which is fast becoming a mainstream option among teenagers. But with this popularity, some experts are concerned that the underlying motivation for many of the young people seeking surgery — namely, self-esteem — is being disregarded in the drive to look, as Kristen puts it, “normal.”
- An all-nude club opening in Dallas is purported to be the largest in Texas.
- Momlogic has an article decrying the use of nude models in the new Abercrombie and Fitch catalog, and then has a photo gallery of the "racy ads" for all to see.
- The Columbia Citypaper has an article on the Travelites 2009 Nude Chili Cook-Off.
The group at the pool table hooted and catcalled when a large naked man scratched on the eight ball. On the other side of the Plexiglas, a woman grabbed a stray beach ball and dove into the pool. Cheri Alexander caught me eyeing an empty chili crock-pot and grinned.“You know the only difference between a nudist and clothed person is that after a meal, we don’t have a belt to loosen,” she said.
- A formal consultation has begun to determine the future of a naturist beach in England.
- If you are having trouble finding accommodations in the DC area for the inauguration, The Pine Trees Associated Nudist Resort in nearby Maryland has a room for you, but at some point you will have to get naked to comply with club rules.
- Oprah is in love with Kate Winslet's breasts. She said, "I love the fact that you have real breasts. Because in all the breast scenes, your breasts do what real breasts do.” Article with video here.
- An actor blogs about his only nude scene in a play.
The odd thing was, once I'd done it, it felt OK. Sort of. Crucially, it felt advantageous to the play, which after all is the only fig leaf any actor has to hide his spiritual nakedness. When the artistic director (himself fearful of the moment being too upsetting for the unsuspecting punters) suggested I needn't strip at all but could keep my pants on, I was having none of it – so strongly did I now feel about its necessity to the play. In fact, I threatened to walk out if the nudity was cut. Funny cusses, actors.
- Did Nazism draw some if its inspiration from the German nudist movement?
- Pinellas County might toughen its swimwear rules due to reports from "outraged" Fort De Soto Park visitors who have complained about people in "states of near total nudity."
"It's certainly going to have a negative impact," said Ken Kushman, 62, secretary of Tampa Area Naturists, "because it's going to turn people away who want to wear less bathing suit than their grandmother does."
- Here's a photo gallery of people participating in No Pants Day 2k9 in Los Angeles.
au naturel,
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