The Daily Newds 1/28/09

- Kudos to Amy Winehouse for enjoying topfree equality, and looking healthy.
- NBC has nixed a PETA Super Bowl ad for containing a "level of sexuality" which exceeded their standards, but naturally you can see it on the Internet here.
- Caliente might have lost the Lingerie Bowl, but dancers in the 43 strip clubs around the Tampa area are looking forward to big bucks from the Super Bowl. Officials say that there will be no stepped-up enforcement of the six foot rule.
- Here's a rare article supporting Facebook's banning of breastfeeding photos.
Think about what would become of our favorite social site if Facebook started making exceptions in their policies. We don’t need a domino effect of cases defending themselves against the nudity rule.
- The Yorba Linda chapter of the Red Hat Society have jumped on the nude calendar bandwagon.
The Red Hot Tomatoes did it, 12 photo shoots, all very discreet, and (photographer) Gordon pretended to be blind. At the end of the day, everyone had forgotten all of their nerves and their shyness, and we had laughed away the ills of the world.
- The Florida Players, a student-run theatre company, is seeking an event permit to stage a production of "Hair" with the original nude scene.
Although the scene has been considered controversial, (director Jennifer) Shorstein described it as a beautiful and powerful moment.“It is shocking not just for the sake of being shocking, but to show that the body can be beautiful in a not sexual way,” she said.
- In conservative Singapore, a couple went on a 15 minute nude stroll in a section of the city with many nightclubs. "They looked really comfortable walking down the street, which led to many curious stares," wrote blogger Leonard Tan. "Singapore is getting more and more exciting."
- An attorney declares that the Boulder Naked Pumpkin Run is perfectly legal and that participants should not be prosecuted.
The police had no probable cause for arrest. Boulder, unlike Colorado Springs, has no ordinance against public nudity, except within 500 feet of Coot Lake. The district attorney's office should not have charged the runners with a sex offense, and should not have used the fear of a sex offense conviction to extract pleas to an irrelevant charge. The prosecutor wisely exonerated some runners that carefully questioned whether the police reports contained probable cause for arrest. Unfortunately, the prudish police may have won the war because Boulder citizens are worried about participating in next year's run.
The Pumpkin Run is a great community tradition. Running naked with elaborately carved masks is a form of artistic expression. It is a tradition far safer than Spain's Running of the Bulls, and it is more fun than a typical parade. We should make sure that the tradition continues, and we should never allow the police and prosecutors to squelch a legal form of expression enjoyed by thousands of participants and spectators.
- Catherine D'Lish holds more than 30 titles in the striptease industry, including Miss Nude USA, Showgirl of the Year, and Miss Nude International.
"There are many people that will stand on their soapbox and sanctimoniously proclaim that the neo-burlesque performers are superior to modern strippers headlining in strip clubs and more true to the burlesque performers of the past. I have been privy to the secrets of both worlds," D'Lish says, avoiding comparisons between the two.
- Whatever happened to sex in Scandinavia?
During the late ’70s and ’80s, as both those feminists and many of the male activist/artists represented in the Oslo exhibition moved into positions of political and cultural power in what by then had become the mainstream culture, their disinterest in or even hostility to sexual liberalism came to be the new norm. And so we end up with a renewed reassertion of state investment in its citizens’ sexual behavior, and with the concomitant efforts to ban cable channels that broadcast pornography; laws that empower the internment, without a criminal trial, of people with HIV who have unprotected sex; and that criminalize consensual sexual activity between two adults if one of them receives remuneration.
- Gersh Kuntzman was seen nude by forty people last week.
- Finally, some common sense in the sexting phenomenon where kids exchange nude photos of themselves with cell phones. The Utah House voted to reduce the penalties for those younger than 18 to a misdemeanor. It shouldn't be a crime at all, but at least this is a step in the right direction.
- Members of the indie band Black Lips had to cancel their tour and flee India after guitarist Cole Alexander stripped naked and jumped into the crowd.
- Several British rugby players have posed nude for Powerade ads "to illustrate that what players put inside their bodies and how they prepare - their InnerGear - is just as important as their sports kit."
- The economic downturn has not affected the cosmetic surgery industry, with more people than ever in the UK seeking body modifications.
- Yet another nude calendar project will raise money for Epilepsy Action.
au naturel,
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