The Daily Newds 5/18/09

- British model Katie Price faces possible arrest for nude sunbathing in the Maldives.
Foreign Office travel advice warns: "Nudism and topless sunbathing are prohibited throughout the Maldives including on resort islands. "The Maldives is a Muslim country and serious violations of law may lead to a prison sentence."
- No disciplinary action will be taken against six students who streaked across the stage at the Green Mountain College commencement in Vermont.
It's sort of become a new tradition at the school, one that is not encouraged but not "stamped out, either," (communications director Kevin) Coburn said. "It happened at last year's commencement," Coburn said, hours after Saturday's streaking.
- Married for 43 years, Ian and Nancy Watters love the nude lifestyle.
"We do everything in the nude; mowing, mulching, gardening. We always seem to have a lot of laughs and that’s good for your health."
- A sex theme park slated to open in October has been torn down by Chinese authorities because it was "vulgar, ill-minded and misleading."
- A South Texas town is debating whether or not to ban "nude sketch classes" in the Arts District, due to its proximity to schools and day care centers.
- Laurie Penny says that burlesque today is nothing more than a "misogynist scam."
I began to realise that what really differentiated my act from that of your average stripper wasn't the performance, or the costumes, but simply class. Like the majority of women who choose to get involved with burlesque, our troupe was made up of middle-class girls, with the act offering us an opportunity to indulge in raunchy exhibitionism without feeling "cheap" (at least initially). Burlesque serves up misogyny in a tasteful package of feathers, while the explicit nature of the shows increases each year. When I was performing, complete nudity was frowned on, but burlesque acts such as Satan's Striptease and Empress Stah have since started offering full-frontal flashing.
- Why are law enforcement officials targeting Craigslist for censorship? It's "good politics."
- A teen has been suspended by his fundamentalist Baptist educators for attending a prom at another high school because there was "dancing, rock music and hand-holding."
- A group of Belgian actors rode nude on bicycles at the Cannes Film Festival to promote their movie.
- The Christian Action Network in Cape Town, South Africa, want to criminalize pornography and other forms of adult entertainment after a recent Sexpo event. Miss Nude South Africa says that Sexpo was not exploitative.
- 80% of Key West tourism-based businesses support a clothing-optional beach.
- A Lutheran pastor has denounced Miss California USA Carrie Prejean as a hypocrite.
"(In) America, according to this girl ... it is totally immoral for two people of the same gender who are in love to enter into a lifelong, faithful, monogamous union, (and) apparently not a problem at all for a 17-year-old girl to be photographed half-naked for the expressed purpose of sexually arousing millions of heterosexual men to whom she is not married and who are not married to her."
- Dita Von Teese was ordered to show "less cleavage" during the Eurovision Song Contest.
- A nude sketch of Carla Bruni-Sarkozy is up for auction in Paris. Imagine if a similar image of Michelle Obama went on sale in New York City, and you can clearly see the cultural divide.
- Does a teacher have a "reasonable expectation of privacy" for files stored on a school computer?
- The producer of a Danish TV reality show has apologized for shooting a nude scene on a Malaysian island.
- If you think nudity has caused some trouble through the years, consider these instances where articles of clothing caused riots.
- Kenyans want the statue of a nude boy in front of a court house to be demolished claiming it "encourages pedophilia."
- One woman ignores the "naked baby police" and lets her kids frolic nude in a wading pool.
- Striking a balance between "nudists and prudists" has been difficult at North Lido Park in Sarasota, Florida.
- The Calgary Music Festival features bands, nature, and a "nude slip-n-slide."
- Helena writes, "stop being so prude and get your kit off" after witnessing women showering in their bathing suits at the local gym.
Being a Swede, where nudity is something natural, this is incredibly strange to me. When I'm in the communal showers I notice that these women are still wearing their swimmers but had they been naked I wouldn't have batted an eyelid. Why is it that some women, depending on their upbringing, culture or religion, cannot get undressed in front of other women. We all look the same. And when I'm in the shower I don't look at what your bodies look like. I'm busy trying to squeeze out of my wet, too tight bathing suit and just wash myself. I have no interest in looking at other women. So please, just get your kit off and feel that it's ok to wash yourselves properly. Because you can't really reach all your bits when wearing a Speedo!
- A new naked tribe has been found in Nigeria.
- William Cook, who founded the Eastwoodhill Arboretum in Gisborne, New Zealand, was an avid nudist.
...he often did his gardening unimpeded by clothes, apart from the boot he wore to help with digging holes, and visitors soon learned that it was a good idea to phone for an appointment.
- Attorney Scott H. Greenfield calls the criminalization of teen sexting as "the stupidest thing ever."
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