In a recent post, I ended with a note about how "I love to feel the earth beneath my feet. Cool, scratchy blades of grass make my toes happy." This is true. I love walking barefoot in summer, but it is not without its perils. A splinter from my deck, a sharp stone under foot - each year, I risk inevitable injury for the pleasure of romping around in shoeless bliss.
This year, my undoing -- yes, I've been undone and it wasn't even May yet! -- was the stump of a dying shrub I cut down late last summer. Now hidden under the grass that filled in around it, I stomped down on it, Max in tow, and promptly fell to the ground, cursing and in considerable pain, with Max tugging at his leash. I now have two sizable wounds in the arch of my right foot, and I'm stocked up on bacitracin and bandaids!
...but this is one lesson I refuse to learn. I will be romping around barefoot on my lawn again in no time. Who knows, maybe I'll find a ground hive!!!
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