Monday, January 5, 2009

Best of the Naturist World

One of the first naturist sites I found that really inspired my closet nudism out into the open was SunnyDay.

SunnyDay has been writing about her naturist adventures since 2000. Her writings seem sincere and honest and embrace the best of naturist philosophies. Her stories read like fiction, and after you spend some time with SunnyDay, her family and friends, you will want to run outside and throw off your clothes.

Her earliest writings took me back to the days of my youth in rural Massachusetts, where I would sunbathe nude when my parents were not at home. The freedom of laying out in the yard with only the air and sun on my skin is a wonderful memory. I always wanted to venture out into the woods in the nude but never mustered up the courage, but I remember the urge was very compelling. Perhaps this is why I particularly enjoyed my visit to Cedar Trails which allowed me to roam freely in the woods and open fields. SunnyDay wrote about her first venture into an open field.
I stood there beside that post for a moment or so reveling in my feelings – feeling the grass, the wind, the warmth of the sunshine that had just come out, and the openness of the grassy hills surrounding me. I tried to picture in my mind what I must look like standing there in the open like that –just me as nature intended - not even a scrunchie in my hair. At that point a certain feeling of confidence came over me. I’ve always enjoyed being nude, but now I realized that I could be nude outdoors without the necessity of having clothes near by. Does that make me more nude?
SunnyDay gets to the very heart of what naturism is all about, to experience true freedom, to be one with nature. This is something everyone should experience.

In her latest story, SunnyDay writes about a discussion she had with her friends about expanding their circle of nudists. Her friend Julie exclaimed:
“Oh come on, people! You know I’m right. And you all know we’re right about liking to be out here like this. This is part of who we are. We need to share it. We need to share ourselves. We do. Cautiously, yes, but we need to do this. And we’ve got all winter long to make something happen. And what else are we gonna do? Thank about it - not much. Better to be doing something to make things better than just – I don’t know – griping and whining and wishing things were somehow different than they are. What good is that!”
The friends all agreed to bring at least one new person on their nude camping adventure this summer. It's a challenge that all nudists and naturists should adopt for themselves.

Thank you SunnyDay for being a part of what is the Best of the Naturist World.

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