Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Daily Newds 1/20/09

  • An Australian sports club has imposed a six month ban on a member for streaking.
    A member - who didn't want to give her name - said the six-month ban was "ridiculous".
  • "Hanging Out" is the name of a nude musical revue in California.
    From the moment they dropped their robes our merry band of birthday suit-ers (which was also the name (Birthday Suit) of one of the 23 numbers) didn’t bat an eyelash or flash a blush as they gamely sang and danced.
  • Spencer Tunick is back in Mexico City again, this time for more intimate photos of 40 subjects instead of the 20,000 people he gathered in May 2007.
  • Calendar Girls in Hampshire, England, is holding a nude photo contest in anticipation of the arrival of the hit musical.
  • The advice given to the mother of a three year-old who loves being naked is to invent an imaginary therapist and use bribery to get her to put on clothes.

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